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Watch your back Gg – HERO

Watch your back Gg – HERO

Yeah yeah
Watch your back N*gga
They got a lot of weapons.
Watch your back Gg
They got a lot of weapons.
Watch your back n*gga .
They got a lot of weapons.

Yeah yeah yeah

Watch your back N*gga.
They got a lot of weapons
Watch your back Gg
They got a lot of weapons.

I won’t Fail anymore ooo
They keeping Lying on my Head
Inkuru keeping Lying on my head.
Demontime gonna come againn.
The people you trust now gospeling
They keeping  gospel
Everywhere you Go they gospel. If you fail they
Gospel. People keep gospel
This world now, keep gospel
            I keep that thing  for on god.
           I keep Roll up my weed

But I keep thing for my
           I like to see it again
           I won’t perform it again
             On god
You gonna see
Demong angstar.
You gonna see Demon
You gonna see
Demon gangstas
You gonna see
Demon gang
You gonna see
Demon gangstar.
You gonna see Demon
You gonna see
Demon gangstas
You gonna see
Demon gang
                     On god
Are they walking   men
Are they walking
Are they walking   men
Are they walking
Let me trapp again,
I feel like, Living again
                            Keep rolling
                            Keep rolling
                            Keep rolling
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah
I won’t fail anymore oooo
They keeping
Lying on my Head
           Inkuru keeping Lying on my head.

I Rather Rise then,I fail againn. Demontime gonna come againn.

The people you may trust.
Keep  gospeling
They keeping  gospel
Everywhere you Go they gospel. If you fail they
Gospel. People keep gospel
This world now, keep gospel
            I keep that thing  for on god.
           I keep Roll up my weed

But     I keep thing for my
           I like to see it again
           I want perform it again
             On god
You gonna see
Demong angstar.
You gonna see Demon
You gonna see
Demon gangstas.
You gonna see
Demon gang.
You gonna see
Demon gangstar.
You gonna see Demon .Gang.
You gonna see
Demon gangstas
You gonna see
Demon gang
                     On god
Are they walking   men
Are they walking
Are they walking   men
Are they walking
Let me trapp again,
I feel like, Living again
                            Keep rolling
                            Keep rolling
                            Keep rolling
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Watch your back N*gga
They got a lot weapons.
Watch your back N*gga
They got a lot weapons.
Watch your back n*gga .
They got a lot weapo


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